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Head of education, sports and tourism Department – phone: 8 (01514) 27-0-75

Location: 231513, Shchuchin, Liberty square, 11.

The Department of education, sports and tourism of the Shchuchin district Executive Committee (hereinafter - the Department) is an independent Department of Shchuchin district Executive Committee (hereinafter the Executive Committee), which is carrying out state policy in the field of education, sports and tourism in charge of regulation, management and monitoring in the field of education, sports and tourism.
The Department is subordinate to the district Executive Committee, the Department of education and the Department of physical culture, sports and tourism of the Grodno regional Executive Committee.
The Department organizes and directs the activities of educational institutions, organizations of physical culture and sports of shchuchinsky district (hereinafter - institutions and organizations).

© Schuchin Regional Executive Committee, 2024.